Victoria…end of an era

In Saying Good-bye, Julie wrote about the timeline, Victoria being there for significant milestones in her life. Looking for a graphic to include with Julie’s moving tribute, I came upon this page from an old ad.

Ah. Victoria. The foundation for the future. Biopsy normal kidneys. Olivia’s daughter. Fourth generation tail female to my foundation bitch Jelly Bean. Renal Dysplasia. Not giving up or getting out. For me too memories came flooding back, memories marking the long and winding road Julie and I have walked together. Indeed Victoria was the foundation for the future. She produced five Champion offspring, including the best Lhasa Apso we’ve ever bred.

(Sorry, but I cannot figure out how to exclude the ad from this slideshow of her Champion offspring.)

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Champion FFT C’est La Vie
Champion FFT Sine Qua Non
Champion FFT Que Sais-je
Champion FFT Veni Vidi Vici RA NAP NJP CL3-R, CL3-F, CL3-H
Champion FFT Do U Wanna Dance

Each of these dogs had wonderful careers in the ring, including Specialty wins. C’est La Vie remains with Julie. After contributing to the breeding program, the other four moved on to forever homes.

Move on. We’ve talked about it off and on for years, including deep soul-searching in the mid-nineties. It wasn’t yet time. While enthusiasm waxed and wained there were still goals that excited us. Anticipation of a great puppy in the next litter. Another breeding dog achieving another Register of Merit as a producer. Kicking some a$$ at the next Specialty. Class dogs was my name and Best of Winners was my game. The group ring was Julie’s thing. She did it magnificently. We have bred and/or owned ??? 120 Champions. Our dogs have been consistent winners at Specialties, from Best in Sweepstakes to Best in Specialty Show. Many, many times. Fernando was a Best in Show dog. We’ve had dogs in the top twenty year after year. We still do, in spite of competing very little this past year. What more is there to do?

Tending garden sounds nice. Relaxing on the deck this summer sounds even nicer. Learning something new sounds grand. New challenges outside the conformation ring even grander.

Julie’s right. It is time to go forward on that new path. What’s grandest of all is that she and I continue to move along the dog path together. There’s nothing like old times and old friends, except perhaps, some old wine…shared, of course, with an old friend.

Here’s to us girlfriend! And to Victoria! Here’s to the end of an era! Here’s to our new path! Wherever that may lead us!


Grab a cup of coffee or tea,  perhaps a glass of wine. Kick back and glimpse into the heart…and soul…of a Tibet long past and lost forever through the eyes of our Apsos. Explore history as we share our journey with this ancient breed. The history of FFTFleetFireTimbers. The history of Kunza. The history of the Gompa dogs. Meet us, the dogs and the people who became a part of our lives.
Scroll down to read our blog.  

:Kaylee’s judging assignment

Julie sent the following…

Kaylee judged her first assignment on Friday, June 6  at the Brittany Specialty.  Her entry was only 4, which actually made her job more difficult.  She did a great job, on a cold, windy afternoon.  I believe her Best in Sweeps was a 9-12 month old bitch.

Read more about Kaylee.

:Fernado’s day with Kaylee

Julie just called from some airport on her way to a judging assignment in Toledo. Kaylee is showing Fernando this weekend, in North Dakota, at the Fargo-Moorehead Kennel Club shows. He won Best of Breed today! And a Group 2!

Here’s some photos of Fernando as a puppy…

Here come da judge…another one that is!

I had to share this from Julie…

Just had to share, Kaylee has been asked to judge the Brittany Sweepstakes in June!!

I judged for them a couple years back.  The lady who called says that a couple of members knew Kaylee from her teaching confirmation & Junior classes.